Friday, July 3, 2009

Celebrate Birthday & Fourth of July

So I have a friend that has a birthday on the fourth of July. How great is that? You have the day off of work, you get to see gorgeous displays of fireworks, and maybe have a glass of wine. It's a day to sit, relax, and enjoy the good ole US of A!
So if the picture of the card looks funny, it is because it is almost midnight and I have no good lighting in my home to take a good picture except in the bathroom. So I don't have my usual background setting so I used a white bath towel. So if you look at the bottom of the picture of the card, the white towel is what you see, the white does not belong to the card. Any way, at about 8 pm tonight, I called my BFF and asked her to bring over the paper, the punch, the dimensionals, the background stamp and the ink! I, however, did supply the stamp that says celebrate on it (too funny). God bless my BFF, she came over and helped me put this card together. And no, I look at other cards on the internet constantly, so I CASED this card from here. I usually try to put a twist of my own on it, but seeing as I wait until the last minute to make this card, its resemblance is very close.
Well, I hope you all have a safe and wonderful weekend. I am spending mine with my grandson, and I can't think of a better place to be, than with him.
If you're driving anywhere this weekend, stay safe, and have a designated driver if you plan to party!
Until next week

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